The onboarding starts on the homepage. In the beginning we had a classic approach. A long page that tries to tell the full story about Teleport. The value proposition, the main features explained in detail, testimonials, the full set of a classic startup page. A lot of call to action buttons all over the place, what could go wrong, right? During a growth sprint week, we took the time to try some more radical landing page designs in A/B tests. It turned out that short pages (no scroll) converted much better, than long detailed ones. Instead of wasting their attention with exploring the homepage, you could use it to already explore your product. From now on we focused on just introduce the product on the homepage, instead of explaining it. A short screencast video that teases the userinterface, a row of press logos for social proof and the value proposition communicated in just a head- and subline. That's it.
Also we gave users a way to start the onboarding without signing up.
Though the homepage was not yet about the core challenge of the onboarding as mentioned above. Providing a personalised first recommendation while keeping the onboarding as short as possible was the goal.
Leading users through a questionnaire of 25 different life quality factors and about 50 questions is certainly not the answer.
As having a short onboarding is not negotiable, we decided to approach the problem by trying to build a first rough profile of the user in just one step, hoping the 20:80 rule applies here as well. After showing the first results we wanted to give users then the ability to fine tune their preferences and make the results even more relevant.
We looked into some mechanics of other recommendation services and took some inspiration from music services. What if we could create a tag cloud of characteristic terms about what people care about most when choosing a place to live?